English Translation Services

What is Translation?

Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. The English language draws a terminological distinction (not all languages do) between translating (a written text) and interpreting (oral or sign-language communication between users of different languages).

Indonesian legal documents like

  • Akta Notaris (Notarial Documents/Notarial Certificates)
  • Akta Pendirian (Certificates of Establishment)
  • Dokumen Asuransi (Insurance Documents)
  • Laporan ke Pemegang Saham (Reports to the Shareholders)
  • Laporan Keuangan (Financial Statements/Financial Reports)
  • Notulen Rapat (Minutes of Meeting)
  • Profil Perusahaan (Company Profiles/Corporate Profiles)
  • Surat Izin Usaha (Business Licenses)
  • Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (Trade Business Licenses)
  • Dokumen Investasi/Penanaman Modal (Investment Documents)
  • Dokumen Tender (Tender Documents)
  • Surat Keputusan Dewan Direksi (Letters of Decision of Board of Directors)
  • Surat Kesepahaman (Memorandum of Understanding/ MOU)
  • Laporan Penelitian (Research Papers)
  • Surat Kontrak Kerja (Employment Contracts)
  • Surat Kontrak Kerjasama (Partnership Contracts)

are usually written in the passive voice and often consist of many long and complex sentences. When translating into English that mainly uses the active voice, there could be potential for confusion. Legal translator from Penerjemah Jakarta be able to overcome this and ensure that the original meaning [Indonesian] and purpose of the legal document is still apparent to those who read it in the target language [English].

If you would like to know more about our English translation services, or need a quote for any of our services, please get in touch on Penerjemah Jakarta. Penerjemah Jakarta provides English translation services for all types of documents.


Penerjemah Jakarta

PT. Inspirasi Citra Multi Jasa
Per. Wahana Pondok Gede T8 No. 12A Bekasi
Phone: 021-28678486
WhatsApp: 08122712110
Email: cs@penerjemahjakarta.com
Website: penerjemahjakarta.com
IG: @penerjemah_jakarta
FB Fanspage: Penerjemah Jakarta
Google business: Penerjemah Jakarta

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Translation

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