What is translation means?
Translation is the act of converting the meaning of a text to another language. The language of the original text is often referred as the ’source language’ while the language which the text is translated into is the ’target language’.
Often, client documents need to be translated within strict timescales, so it’s important to us provide translator experts who have the necessary experience to undertake the complex task of translating these documents quickly but accurately without miss out a comma or add a full stop where there shouldn’t be one and the whole meaning of the ’target language’ could change.
When translating from ’source language’ into ’target language’, the potential for mistakes increases; different punctuation rules for different languages. So for client documents, it is vital that those responsible for the translation understand punctuation in both languages, and think about its impact on the meaning of the ’target language’.
Recommended Translator
Penerjemah Jakarta can help you with quick translation services from Indonesian into English, Arabic, Japanese, Chines, Taiwanese, Deutsch, Dutch, Italy, French for your several documents like
- Akta Notaris (Notarial Documents/Notarial Certificates)
- Akta Pendirian (Certificates of Establishment)
- Dokumen Asuransi (Insurance Documents)
- Dokumen Investasi/Penanaman Modal (Investment Documents)
- Laporan ke Pemegang Saham (Reports to the Shareholders)
- Dokumen Tender (Tender Documents)
- Laporan Keuangan (Financial Statements/Financial Reports)
- Laporan Penelitian (Research Papers)
- Notulen Rapat (Minutes of Meeting)
- Profil Perusahaan (Company Profiles/Corporate Profiles)
- Surat Izin Usaha (Business Licenses)
- Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (Trade Business Licenses)
- Akta Cerai (Divorce Certificates)
- Akta Kelahiran (Birth Certificates)
- Surat Keputusan Dewan Direksi (Letters of Decision of Board of Directors)
- Surat Kesepahaman (Memorandum of Understanding/ MOU)
- Akta Kematian (Death Certificates)
- Akta Pengangkatan Anak (Child Adoption Certificates)
- Surat Kontrak Kerja (Employment Contracts)
- Surat Kontrak Kerjasama (Partnership Contracts)
- Akta Pernikahan/Surat Nikah (Marriage Certificates)
- Kartu Keluarga (Family Cards)
- KTP/Kartu Tanda Penduduk (Proof Card of Citizenship)t
- Laporan Diagnosa Medis (Medical Diagnosis Report)
- Pendaftaran Sipil (Civil Registry)
- Resep Dokter (Doctors’ Prescriptions)
- Surat Kelakuan Baik (Police Clearances)
- Surat Warisan/Akta Waris (Letters of Inheritance)
If you would like to know more about our quick translation services, please get in touch on
PT. Inspirasi Citra Multi Jasa
Per. Wahana Pondok Gede T8 No. 12A Bekasi
Phone: 021-28678486
WhatsApp: 08122712110
Email: cs@penerjemahjakarta.com
Website: penerjemahjakarta.com
IG: @penerjemah_jakarta
FB Fanspage: Penerjemah Jakarta
Google business: Penerjemah Jakarta