In scientific community, English is accepted as the main language. However, it also means that scientist who are not using English as their mother language will have difficulties. Scientist with only basic English skill often find that it is hard to integrate with international scientific forums or communities. Improper English language skills frequently became a barrier to approaching scientific resources or having their results recognized in international scientific communities. To overcome those barriers, scientist often rely on using translation services.
An Accurate Translation Services
Translating text into another languages is a common thing to do in scientific fields. Scientific texts such as research papers, academic articles, test findings, and many more are the examples of important texts to be translated.
An accurate translation was needed in scientific field to ensure that the information that was presented in the paper didn’t lose it’s meaning during the process of translation. A high-quality translation requires a translator who is not only familiar with both the source and target language, but also have an adequate knowledge on the scientific field of the translated text. That is because scientific text often uses a scientific language or terms that are specific for a certain field. For example, “culture” in socio-history field has a different meaning in microbiology field. Therefore, to produce a high-quality scientific translation, a professional and high-quality translator was needed.
Recommended Indonesian to English Translation Service for Scientific Purpose
How can we know that a translator has a requirement to translate a high-quality scientific text? The easiest method is to review the portfolios and track records of the translator or translation company. Thus, you can also ask for a guarantee for the translation quality.
Penerjemah Jakarta as a translation company offer Indonesian to English translation service for scientific purpose such as journal, proofreading text, abstract, research publication texts and many more. As a translation company, Penerjemah Jakarta is experienced on translating scientific documents. The translator in Penerjemah Jakarta is experienced on their field. To ensure the quality of the translation services.
Penerjemah Jakarta also have a guarantee for the translation quality. As a client, you can see a preview of the translation after it was translated. For further information, please contact our marketing staff. You can also look for translation samples and portfolios on the website or Instagram.
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