An international conference is an event where experts from various countries have a meeting to discuss a certain theme. When experts from various countries discuss things, a language barrier will become a problem. In order to make an effective communication process in an international conference, an interpreter service is needed.

It is important to do simultaneous interpreting since consecutive interpretation will take a lot of time. Moreover, if the conference was held remotely via e-conference apps or software, a remote simultaneous interpreter for conference service is needed.

A simultaneous interpreter works by providing verbal translations between pairs of languages simultaneously. It means that the interpreter provides a verbal interpretation as the speaker speaks. In a remote conference, the interpreter doesn’t have to be present in the same room with the speaker and interpreting via e-conference apps.

Professional remote simultaneous interpreters

The remote simultaneous interpreters for a conference should be experts in the interpreter field. Not only they will provide the interpretation simultaneously, but the interpreters also need to understand the subject of the conference. Furthermore, the interpreter also should have the technology and facilities to do remote simultaneous interpretation smoothly. Facilities such as a good microphone and stable internet connection are essential to do a high-quality remote simultaneous interpretation.

A company that provides high quality remote simultaneous interpreter service for international conferences is Penerjemah Jakarta.

Penerjemah Jakarta is a legal company that provides translation and interpreter services and had been operating for more than 15 years. Penerjemah Jakarta is also experienced in providing interpreter services to government or private institutions.

If you need a remote simultaneous interpreter service for an international conference, Penerjemah Jakarta will gladly help you. You can also check our portfolios in our website ( or our social media. For further information and order, please contact us through our customer service contacts below.

Penerjemah Jakarta

PT. Inspirasi Citra Multi Jasa
Per. Wahana Pondok Gede T8 No. 12A Bekasi
Phone: 021-28678486
WhatsApp: 08122712110
IG: @penerjemah_jakarta
FB Fanspage: Penerjemah Jakarta
Google business: Penerjemah Jakarta