A questionnaire is an important instrument to collect data in research. It consists of a set of questions with multiple-choice answers or scale. It is usually used in survey research that uses self-assessment as the method to collect data. Therefore, a questionnaire will be useful for collecting data on the respondent’s profile or properties.

In research with multinational respondents, the questionnaire’s questions or items and scales should be translated. The translation of the questionnaire’s items should be done correctly by a professional translator who is also an expert in the research field. The purpose is to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the question, since there are terms with double meaning. For example, the term ‘race’ means both a racial ethnicity and a competition to reach the finish line. Another example is, a runner means a person who runs, but in biology, runner means a certain type of plant’s stem. Thus, a professional translation service to translate the research questionnaire is needed.

Professional translation service provider to translate a research questionnaire

Penerjemah Jakarta is a professional translation service provider company that can help you translate a research questionnaire. We are experienced in providing translation and have worked with various companies, NGOs, and government institutions.

Our translators are professionals who can provide high-quality translation across languages. The translators in Penerjemah Jakarta are not only experts in translation but also experts in various fields. Therefore, even if the questionnaire uses technical or scientific terms specific to a certain knowledge field, our translator can translate them correctly.

If you want to do research and need to translate your questionnaire for foreign respondents, we will gladly help you. You can check our portfolios on our website (www.penerjemahjakarta.com) or our social media. For further information, please reach us through our contact information below!

Penerjemah Jakarta

PT. Inspirasi Citra Multi Jasa
Per. Wahana Pondok Gede T8 No. 12A Bekasi
Phone: 021-28678486
WhatsApp: 08122712110
Email: cs@penerjemahjakarta.com
Website: penerjemahjakarta.com
IG: @penerjemah_jakarta
FB Fanspage: Penerjemah Jakarta
Google business: Penerjemah Jakarta